Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday Faithfuls 2 - 2 John

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

13 verses is all I have to choose from in 2 John;  and I can't choose what I chose when I did this little challenge 10 ish years ago. 

But 2 John is like hearing one side of a phone that is kind of aware there are eavesdroppers.

This time reading through, something caught my eye that isn't really a passage.

John doesn't mention any names at all except Jesus.

Remember how Paul's epistles all start off with something like 'Paul, an apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ, to (whoeover)'.

John says 'The elder, to the chosen lady and her children...'

Paul also closed his letters with names of those who were to be greeted, and names of those who send their greetings.  

John says, 'The children of your chosen sister send their greetings'

I wonder why he maintained such a cover of anonymity here.  Do you was due to the persecution that had so affected his life in the preceding years?   So if the letter were intercepted there would be no incriminating evidence there?  I never picked up on that before this read, it really stands out.

It makes the verse that jumped at me for this week's passage so much more poignant, if that is the case.

I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink.  Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.  -- 2 Jn v. 12

IF John was being extra cautious in his wording because of the threat of interception and persecution, this makes much sense,  Of course he wouldn't want to commit to paper thoughts and instructions that  could be used as evidence against him or against the people to whom he was writing.

He told them to love one another, walk in obedience, and beware of false teachers.  And then he says he wants to meet in person to share the rest of what is on his heart.

Because he didn't want to commit it to paper.

I am sure there was cause.

But it is a good reminder that there is nothing like an in-person meetup, exhortation, encouragement...worship service.

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