Saturday, April 29, 2023

From the old files: The Call

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

A not particularly relevant picture of moonrise a few weeks ago...

I'm not even sure why I was digging around in obscure files last night but I stumbled across this bit;  I have no idea when I wrote it.  Years ago, I'm sure.  I don't remember writing it, so it hit me like a new thought, lol.  Strong enough that I thought it worth sharing...

Sometimes the call is loud and clear from a long distance.  It brings plain instruction for bridging the gap between the here and now and the there and then.   A plan to be walked out, diligently, to be in the right place at the right time.

Sometimes the call is a beacon, flashing, with no more than a direction.  Move towards the light.  Somehow the next bit of the path becomes apparent at the right time…a door opens, a door closes.  The way may not be straight but little by little, making it up as it goes, it seems, comes the surprise that what looked like a detour was actually the most direct route.

Sometimes the call is a whisper.  No far-off goal or dreams of the future.  Just a hint of where to set the foot next.  And then where to set the next.  And the next.  Not knowing exactly where the journey will end but trusting that it is going to be exactly where it should be.

And sometimes the call is to be still and wait. Because the end goal is a place that can only be reached if one is divinely carried.  Oh, sure, it would be possible to laboriously toil along in what appears to be the right direction, but, as He must carry the traveler to the end there’s no benefit to slogging and fighting until being picked up when it would be just as productive to rest and worship at the origin. Arrival Is in His timing in either case.

Your call isn’t my call. Sometimes my current call isn’t the call of ten years ago.  We can’t judge the validity of a call by its clarity or its effort. 

Only by the peace that comes from hearing His voice say, ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’

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