Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Watching Season Two...

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

 I wrote about watching Season 1 of The Chosen during Holy Week last year, and how impressed I was by the whole production.  So, naturally, when we learned that Season Two was coming, starting on Easter Sunday, we re-watched Season 1 during Holy Week again, watching the last episode just before the Season 2 premiered.

Episode Two (and Three, as it turned out, but I had a conflicting zoom meeting and so we haven't seen Three yet) debuted this week.  

No spoilers, but I believe that episode will speak loudly to Creative Types.

As I watched a new character struggle with his failure to see the one thing he felt called to do come to pass, I felt like I was watching a depiction of my own similar struggles.  I have, in fact, taken a manuscript and left it torn in pieces on an altar...although, being as how my manuscript also existed as a computer file that I didn't delete, that was more symbolic than an actual sacrifice. But I understood what was happening on screen on a gut level; like the character portrayed, I've wondered why God gave me a burden to write something that Just. Goes. Nowhere.

But as the scene unfolded I realized that I wasn't the only one with such an experience; all creative people have that moment at some point.  Dallas Jenkins even said later that it was HIS story, when he was at a very low point wondering if he would ever tell stories on the screen as he dreamed.

As I thought it over later I recollected a moment I had whilst walking recently.  Normally My Sweet Babboo and I walk together, but for some reason that day he was tied up so I walked alone.  And I kinda had a discussion with God about all that creative stuff that goes nowhere...the blog posts, the songs, the play...all of it.  And I remember saying something to the effect of 'God, what if I never get to do the stuff?  All of this stuff that you gave me...and I never get it OUT THERE.  It never really does anything for the kingdom."  It seemed like that would be a true have been given creativity that failed to reach folks.  In my performance-orientation, I  felt rather sad about it. But what I heard in reply rather shocked me."When will you realize that it isn't what you produce that matters to Me?  What matters to Me is that is that you and I grow closer and closer."  At that moment, something shifted in my spirit. So what if no one hears the songs or sees the play or the book never gets published...if I learn to drop all pretense at busy productivity and just seek Him.  For a bit, I caught the true meaning of it and it kinda took my breath away.  I pondered it the rest of the walk and have been pondering it ever since.  

I may slip back into the productivity mindset again, but hopefully not for long.  Because what I do for him isn't nearly as important as what I do with Him...or what He does with me.  

If you haven't watched The Chosen's free on the App.  Or the website.

It will challenge you.  Go and see.

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