Friday, April 23, 2021

New Study Coming....Colossians

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

A few weeks ago, I suddenly realized that I have done studies on Galatians, Ephesians and Philippians...but never really dug into Colossians.  I kinda thought in the back of my head that it might be a good little study to follow up the year-and-a-half Desert Digging.  

And then in a recent message, our pastor encouraged the congregation to read through the 'little book of Colossians'.

Finally, about two days ago, driving home from work I passed a church with a sign promoting their upcoming study...with COLOSSIANS  on the marquee in big ol' lit up letters.

Ok, ok, I am getting the message here.

So...that's the next study.  I'll post a syllabus next week and we'll dig into it starting May 7th.

It's been a minute since I made a syllabus, lol.  But it's time.


  1. Oh that sounds good! How about my absolute favorite book after that? JAMES!

    1. Check the links on the sidebar... I did James (sort of) back in 2009, lol

  2. Lisa as I was typing that I was thinking I bet she’s already done James. Although, I’m not at all opposed to doing it again!!!

    1. LOL... I dunno if I'll do repeats; too much to cover. I don't think I'll make it through all 66 books, but you never know. ;-) I did go back and re-read the James study after you asked about it; it was better than I remembered, lol.

    2. I am kinda shocked that I've only done six actual book studies...and not a single Gospel. Oy.
