Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Plain Vanilla: Small Things

Posted By Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Every once in a while, I get an urge to go post something from the Plain Vanilla File. I don't know why the urge strikes, but it hit tonight and, cruising through the folder, this bit caught my eye.

We don't always recognize God in the small things. But the small things make a huge difference over time... Anyway, here 'tis:

How God Saved My Marriage
(Plain Vanilla Style)
My hubby related this story to me quite a while ago, and I remember that it really surprised me at the time. It was during one of our ‘deep sharing’ times, when we were talking about our marriage.

He made the comment that he recalled a time when we’d been married about five years or so, when he was beginning to feel bored with the whole thing. He said that he began to wonder if “this is all there is” to marriage. Well, according to the world’s pattern, that’s about the time our marriage problems should have really started.

However, for some reason (!) he decided that, if the situation was going to change, he needed to change his attitude. Keep in mind, I was a relatively new mom at that time, so I had my plate full just being mom and I was totally unaware he was thinking through this. Now, years later, I can tell you that that decision made a great difference. He has pursued opportunities to learn about being a good husband and father; he has done things in our home that most men wouldn’t consider doing. I never knew that he decided to take responsibility for keeping our marriage growing and vibrant…I just knew that it was good!

When he told me about his decision, my jaw dropped. I mean, that’s just not the sort of thing a typical modern American male would do! Yet, he did it. To my way of thinking, that was God keeping the sword from passing through the land. Sure, there are marriages in which God does great, spectacular restorations…but He was just as involved in that small, quiet decision, made in private and carried out diligently. God really and truly saved my marriage…but if my sweetie had never told me about his decision, I would never have known.

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