Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Have No Idea Where This Stuff Comes From

I have a flair button on my facebook bulletin board that reads, 'Why, yes, I do randomly speak with a British accent!'

Not to disrespect anyone who speaks that way normally, but I kinda picked it up when we did 'The Gospel According to Scrooge' at church and every once in a while it just slips out.

So tonight, while preparing my jr. high girls class for a fill-in-the-blank review test we give as a part of the Honor Friends requirements, I not only spoke in the random accent, but then challenged the girls to do their part of the corporate read-aloud in as close to a British accent as they could manage.

We wackily read through it, then I gave them their empty-blank sheets to see if they could remember what we'd just read (sounds rough, but they get the same paper each time and once a blank is filled in correctly, it's filled in and they don't have to re-do it).

I haven't checked the sheets yet to see if the craziness inspired any more correct answers.

Did I plan that at all? Nooooooo. Just happened that way.

Guess it keeps 'em guessing. I know it keeps me guessing....

1 comment:

  1. I love that. I'm just glad I'm not the only one that does it, I tend to go into a little Aussie though. I had a great friend for a few year that was an Aussie so it comes easier than British. You think they do the same thing with our American speech? I bet so.

