Monday, September 22, 2008

Jubilee Monday #10...forgive us our debts

Whilst I'm still pondering my two previously noted aspects of for provision and rest...I think I'm going to crack open a third aspect of Jubilee:


Especially as I'm finding myself in need of some. No details, just an acknowledgment that I've put my foot in my mouth ...again...and need to make some apologies. Publicly. (Does anyone else ever find themselves needing to use Desenex as a dentifrice? Or am I the only one?)

There's a huge depth to the topic of forgiveness, and I could probably blog the rest of my Jubilee Mondays about it. And, because I'm still kinda bummed about my own blockheadedness, I'm not in a great study-it-out-and-look-for-revelation frame of mind.

I just wanna go squall on someone's shoulder and say 'I'm so sorry!!! I didn't mean it like that!' ...but I've got a communication glitch that needs to be remedied before I can do that (now, of all times, would I have just cleaned out my inbox so that I don't have email addresses I need).

But, I will put the topic out here, with the lid ajar for further exploration at a later date.

Jubilee means forgiving debts. It also means being forgiven.

Thank you, Lord.

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