Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Hodge Podge Recuperation

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Welp, I caught this week's Hodge Podge questions in a timely fashion and thought, hey, I'm kicking back a bit this week so why not share a bit?

You can click the image below to see the other answers to Joyce's questions and enjoy the camradarie....

1. It's National Splurge Day...what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? 

LOL.  My splurge was yesterday.  I'd been debating trying linen sheets, and one of the online vendors I use from time to time had a linen sheets are on order.  We'll see if they live up to the hype....

2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list

Ah, the beach.  It's been a hot minute since we went to the beach, not counting a quick trip to the shores of Lake Michigan last year.  With our families of origin in the land locked state of Indiana, and half of our kids living in central Florida, it's hard to find vacation time to spend on a trip to the beach.  Or the mountains, either.  Somehow we end up at theme parks...

Anyway, this summer is dedicated to recovery from hip replacement two weeks ago.  So no beachy travel ...or much else, lol...for the next month or two.

3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

Let's see...I am really having trouble associating a particular song with a particular summer.  Maybe listening to Kansas  on the radio while sitting on the hood of my white mustang at a fireworks show at Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis in 1979?  Life was so much simpler back then...

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order? 

Um, no.  Just no.  Although I am told it actually ISN'T always raw fish...don't have the nerve to find out.  There's plenty of other good eats in this world, lol.

5. I own a ridiculous amount of _____Sewing and craft supplies______. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Thinking of summers made me think of lightning bugs.  I love watching them; it's so calming. We have a few on our lot in town but my memory is watching them just covering the soybean fields back home.  Sitting on the porch watching the lighting bugs come out at this point in life is just about as stress-reducing as it gets.


  1. Lightning bugs sound like so much fun to see. Hope your healing goes well with your hip replacement. I can imagine that sets you back for a while! Happy almost summer to you!

  2. I haven't heard a lot about linen sheets. I'm curious to know if they come out of the dryer a wrinkled mess that require ironing. I don't iron sheets lol. Enjoy your day and wishing you well as you recover from hip surgery!

    1. i don't iron sheets, either, lol. I'm told that once linen is 'broken in' it really doesn't need so much ironing. That's been my experince with linen shirts and such so's hoping....

    2. After using the sheets for a couple of weeks, I have to admit I love them. They're not perfect; the pockets on the fitted sheet would fit a mattress a good bit deeper than ours, but they feel really good and cozy without being heavy. Might get another set...if I hit another sale...

  3. We get lightning bugs here too and I love this time of year because they're always out.

  4. Until we moved here (Alabama), I'd totally forgotten lightning bugs. The first time I stepped out back and spotted their adorable blinkers, I was like 7 y/o again.

  5. I hope your healing journey goes well. I love the title of your blog. I have never seen lightening bugs. I have a lot of craft supplies too!

  6. Hope you enjoy your sheets. I grew up going to Lake Michigan in Union Pier where my grandparents had a summer home. So you sew and do crafts, that's nice. We don't see lightning bugs here but I loved seeing them in the summer too!

    1. My hubby's family is from northern was a little over an hour drive to St. Joseph for an afternoon in the crazy smoke from the Canadian wildfires last summer! It had been YEARS, DECADES...since I'd been to Lake Michigan. Like, I think I was a pre-teen....
