Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Found another one...

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

This popped up in my Facebook Memories today...from the now inacessible Facebook Notes files.  I did a quick search and it doesn't look like I have posted it to the blog before, so, hey, why not?

It's from a writing assignment in a small group I was in...TEN YEARS AGO.  We were told to write about the Prodigal Son from the Father's perspective, and this was what I came up with:

Dear Dad,

 Sorry to leave while you were out; Joshua and Adonijah came by and were in a hurry, so I left with them. I hope you understand.

 Thanks for giving me this chance!  Don’t think I don’t love you…I do…but I’ve got to get out from under all the expectations and restrictions here.  I’ll never find who I am if I don’t go out and find out what there is besides the farm and this little village.  There’s a whole world out there and I know there are bigger and better things for me than just being the little brother.  I’m going for the big city and the bright lights and where things are happening and people are doing important things.  I’m going to be SOMEBODY! 

 So don’t worry about me. I have plenty to get me established, and I’ve got all the plans made and laid out.  I’ll come back rich and famous someday…you’ll see.

 The guys are getting restless; I’d better go now.

 All my love,



 Day 1

So.  Today my son has left me.  He has taken my present and his future and gone out where I cannot follow, cannot guide, cannot help.  He thinks it is wisdom.  I pray he survives.  Adonai, watch over him and bring him back.   Spare him hunger and humiliation,if he will be spared.  If he will not, guard him through it and do not let it fail to teach him what he must know.  Remind him often that I love him.  Amen.


Day 8

It has been a week now. His brother says little but is very short tempered with the animals and the servants. Surely he misses his younger brother  terribly. I cannot talk of Eliam just yet; the wound is too fresh, the grief is too deep.  One of the neighbors said that he heard Eliam had been seen heading toward the part of town with the inns where women and wine are cheap and available. I hope and pray that was a case of mistaken identity, that Eliam would look for a respectable place to stay and not wander over to the seedy side of town.

 I have moved my chair to the gate of the house;  if Eliam comes home, I will see him.  No...when Eliam comes home, I will see him…


Day 31

One month.  I thought by now I would have begun to get used to the routine, but I find my thoughts constantly going to Eliam…is he safe? Has he secured his money so it cannot be stolen or swindled away?  He was not very savvy about such things; I worry that he will take up with people who will take advantage of his good heart and generous spirit. 

His brother has picked up the slack and made a good plan for distributing the work amongst the servants. But he still seems to me to be a smoldering coal; he is angry often and has been increasingly hard to please.  I shall have to speak to him about treating the servants with respect.  Whatever it is that is upsetting him, it is not their fault.


Day 61

 Still no word from Eliam after two months.  Aside from the occasional rumor that he is living it up with friends and a girlfriend, I know nothing at all of what is going on in his life.  I am assuming he is still in the city, although I don’t know that for sure.  The last word I had was that he was staying with some musicians, although that was through two or three connections and may not have been true.  I wish he’d write.  He could write.  Why doesn’t he write?

 I spend the mornings and evenings in my chair at the gate.  It is pleasant to speak to the neighbors as they pass by, although they all are too deliberate about not asking about Eliam.  If he had died, they would have sat shiva with me and mourned him, but a son who abandons his family is worse than dead…ah, my son, did you really know what you were doing to your family?  Did you care?  Adonai, cure him of his selfishness and self centeredness, purify his heart so that this pain will not be wasted.  I can do nothing for him now…he is in your hands.  Deal with him as he must be dealt with, but remember mercy and bring him home. Amen.


Day 182

 Half a year has passed since my son walked out into the world and left me desolate.  His brother has worked diligently; the last of the harvest has been stored and we are well ready for a bit of a rest.  It has been a good harvest and we have all we need.  If only Eliam were here to celebrate the harvest with us.  The rumors have completely stopped now; I hear nothing of him from those who travel to the city.  The musicians he supposedly befriended have moved on; he was not with them in the next town to which they were reputed to have gone.  I don’t know where he has gone

 I try not to think about this possibility, but I do not know if he is living or dead.

 It is chilly now, sitting in the chair by the gate, and the days move by slowly.  I am feeling my age.  I remember how Eliam would sit with me and wait for his older brother to return from his studies with the rabbi; even then he talked of things he wanted to do when he grew up.  Lord, Adonai, where is he?  Does he think of us here at all?  Bring him home….


 Day 240

 It is cold this winter; we have not had such a cold winter in years.  I wonder where Eliam is, and if he is warm and fed, if he is happy, if he successful, if he ever thinks of his family on the farm.  I wrap up well to sit by the gate, the dark sky and raw wind reflect my heart and emotions.  I realize I may never hear from Eliam; he could have gone far away by now. He could be dead, and we will never know.  With no word at all of even a rumor of his whereabouts, I fear it is one or the other…either he has traveled very, very far away or he has fallen to thieves or illness.  Adonai, as you love me, do not let me go to my grave without news of my son.

 I am very glad for his brother; I don’t think we could have handled the cold if he had not worked to pull in the straw for insulation; he has seen to the animals and we have lost very few to the weather.  He has been where I could not be, and in every case has made the right choice. Still, he speaks little, although he has improved his rough ways with the servants, he is still curt and unhappy. Perhaps he worries about Eliam as well.


Day 307 – the last day!

 I must write this quickly, as there is much to do.  Just before I left my chair this morning, I saw someone coming down the road.  As I waited, my heart lurched…surely, surely that walk was familiar.   I began to walk towards him, hoping against hope that my instinct was correct, that this was my boy returning again.  The closer I got, the more sure I became, and the faster I walked.  That was his walk,even though he limped.  That was his tousled head, even though his hair was matted and unkempt.  His head was down, looking at the ground as he trudged down the road. 

 At the moment I knew, I began to run.  He heard my steps and looked up; his eyes grew wide and he dropped to his knees. He was gaunt, haggard and dirty, and his voice cracked and wavered as he spoke.


‘Dad!’ he choked, ‘I’m not worthy to be your son.  I’ve made a mess of it.  I’ve lost everything.  If you’ll just hire me as one of your servants, I’ll be the best servant you’ve ever had. I’ll earn my keep.  Just let me stay here. Please…’ Tears were streaming down his face as he glanced up, fear and despair plain to see in his eyes.

 Tears were streaming down my face as I pulled him to his feet and embraced his bony frame. ‘You’re home!  You’re home!’ was all I could manage to say, over and over.

 I half held him up as we walked the last bit to the house together.  By the time we got to the gate, I had my voice back.  I called for the servants to take him and let him get cleaned up and dressed as a son of the house should be dressed,  then I called for others to kill the celebration calf and make a feast.

 His older brother is plowing with the oxen in the far field…he will be so surprised when he comes in for supper!  Oh, we shall have a party tonight!

 He’s home!  My son is home!  The winter is over and the spring has come!

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