Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Falling into the Hodgepodge...just for fun

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

I haven't done the Hodgepodge in a hot minute...but now that the Weddings are both in the rear view mirror, and Fall is officially...well, at least sort, I thought I'd just jump in and have some fun.  So here are my thoughts for this week's edition...

1. It's officially fall y'all. In the northern hemisphere anyway. Any signs of it where you are? What's your favorite thing about this time of year? 

Well, in these parts we really don't see what I'd call Fall until around the first weekend of November...peak fall color can be as late as Thanksgiving. We're still in mid-to-upper 80's for the 10 day forecast, so I'm not hurrying to pull out the sweaters and the boots.  But it is nice that it's not absolutely ROASTING outside.  My favorite thing about fall is probably the cozy settling in...the fire in the fire place, s'mores, and knowing that the holidays are coming and we'll see everyone before too long.

2. Have you visited any 'falls' in person? Tell us about one of your favorites? Of the following top ten famous falls (according to this site ) which would you most like to see in person-

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe/Zambia), Igazu Falls (Argentina/Brazil), Niagara Falls (US/Canada), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Yosemite Falls (California), Dettifoss (Iceland) Kaieteur Falls (Guyana), Plitvice Waterfalls (Croatia), Gullfoss-Golden Falls (Iceland), or Sutherland Falls (New Zealand)

I've been to Niagara and Yosemite, although the trip to Yosemite was in August and there was barely a trickle over the falls.  Niagara was amazing; there's a spot on the Canadian side where the walkway railing is just a few feet from the edge; you can see through the water as it goes over and really, it's not that deep.  But it's moving fast.  I kind of subconsciously felt like it should be turned off at night, which I know is completely absurd.  I think my puny little brain just couldn't fathom that much water pouring down without stopping.

3. What's something you'll miss about summer? 

Daylight.  We're on the eastern edge of the time zone, so by the winter solstice the sun sets at like, 4:30 in the afternoon.  Depressing.

4. A favorite fall recipe?

Russian Tea!

2 cups Tang

1 cup instant tea (no sugar, no lemon)

2 packages unsweetened lemon Kool-aid

2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1 tsp. ground cloves.

Put all in a tupperware container, seal it up and shake it really well.  2 teaspoons of mix in a cup of hot water...sweeten with sugar or honey to taste.

Beats Pumpkin Spice Anything hands down....

5. Something you enjoy but lately have allowed it to 'fall by the wayside'? 

Oy.  I have been hankering to pull out my clarinet and play a bit, but I've lost my binder of music.  I put it in a new one a couple of years back because the old black one was falling apart I can't find it.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have much Fall Cleaning to do.  Much too much.  But I have keep my Commitment Level for Things in the Fall down considerably from the past few years, so maybe I can actually get that Round Tuit thing...


  1. My son plays clarinet; love that sound.

  2. I had to chuckle at your intro - I think we could all do with another 8 hours in each day. I recently retired and I find myself thinking "When did I have time to work?". Another vote for missing daylight.

    1. made me realize that profile needed updating! But not the fact that I still need an extra 8 hours a day... ;-)

  3. It's nice to see you back in the Hodgepodge today! I haven't had Russian Tea in years, but used to make it every winter and now I'm thinking I might need some. Good luck with the fall cleaning. I feel like my house needs it more now than in the spring after all the summer company (and prior to the holidays). We'll see how that goes.

  4. I never got around to commenting on last weeks posts and figured I needed to play catch up. I hate posting and then not commenting. Uggh. We'll see if I get around to posting this week. I enjoyed your answers. I truly want to work at savoring the season of slowing down and anticipating holidays coming. When I was in college the kitchen people always had russian tea (they called it friendship tea), we'd go up and drink it all the time. I often think that I miss playing my flute.
