Friday, September 8, 2023

Blogging Bible Study: The Heart of the Matter - Deuteronomy, Discourse 3

 Posted by Lisa Willis to Beer Lahai Roi

I went to my list of verses this morning to see how much ground there is to cover today and was surprised to see that Discourse Three is only two chapters long....the blessings and curses.

And there are only two verses in those two chapters that mentions 'heart/hearts'... and they are in the same paragraph so I'll just include the pertinent bit:

Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place for the sole of your foot.  There the LORD will give you an anxious mind, eyes weary with longing , and a despairing heart. You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life.  In the morning you will  say "If only  it were evening!" and in the evening, "If only it were morning!" -- because of the terror that will fill your hearts and the sights that your eyes will see.  -- Deut. 28:65-67, NIV 84

First, a quick look at the Hebrew words used in those two verses shows that  'hearts' in verse 67 is Strong's 3824, which we have seen so often, but the word rendered 'heart' in verse 65 is Strong's 3820.  Both carry the connotation of innermost part, the seat of emotions.

This is a description of trauma.  And if you read the whole context, you will find that it is the consequences of idolatry.

Following other gods.  Worshiping other deities.  Dividing one's loyalty between Yahweh and...others.

As I was pondering that, it suddenly hit me that idolatry is a heart issue.  And look at the consequences... a heart full of fear, dread, despair, terror.  That's what idolatry does.  Because an idol, ultimately, cannot save, deliver, edify, encourage...anything.  

By and large, we don't worship statuettes, but that is not the only expression of idolatry.  Think of the Rich Young Ruler, who loved his riches/ his lifestyle too much to respond to Jesus' instruction to sell everything, give it away and follow him.  That's a clear cut case of idolatry.  The religious rulers of Jesus' day who valued their interpretation of Scripture so highly that they completely missed when their own Messiah stood in front of them.  They valued their status and position so highly that they successfully plotted to hand Jesus over to the Romans to execute, so they could keep the political status quo.

Lifestyle/ position/ power...sounds a lot like the ol' Triple P threat (pleasure, possessions, power).  

Am I more concerned with one of those 'P's' than I am pleasing and obeying God?  

If I am...that's idolatry.  And idolatry will have consequences.

Gonna be pondering that today, I think.

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