Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A Walk At Sunset

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

The cooler air arrived, and I wanted to go for an evening stroll.

I put in my earbuds and hit the 'Makers and Mystics' podcast, picking up in the middle of a roundtable discussion and started down the hill.

Then I noticed the sky.

And I turned around and went all the way back to the front porch to get a picture.

The textures in the sky were glorious.  I took the pic and then headed back down the street with every intention of doing the Usual Route...maybe a bit shortened, since it was getting on for dark.

I took another picture as I started down the hill again.

The lighting was already changing when I got to the curve at the bottom of the hill

I went around the corner and, coming up on the intersection where I typically would go straight, a couple with a little dog came  up from the main road and turned that way.

Suddenly, I decided I wanted to head to the main road and follow the sunset.

There's just one house between the neighborhood street and the main road through the valley; one little bit of road heading west.  I planned to turn south at the main road and look for open sky.

But just a bit south I decided to cross the road and walk through the park as the light was still changing.

There's a creek that runs along the back of the park, with a foot bridge to the greenway on the other side.  

I got a bit of the reflection in the water.

The athletic fields at the middle school on the other side let me get underneath the power lines and get an unobstructed view.

It's amazing how much the color intensifies when zoomed in a bit.

But the power lines do, after all, add a bit of context/ texture.

I turned around and started back home.  The sky off to the southeast was lit up as well.

I looked back over my shoulder and couldn't resist another shot zoomed in on the fabulousness.

There's something rather metaphorical about looking at the sunset through chain links.

The last look back before I left the park:

Heading back up from the main road the streetlight was just barely strong enough to cast a shadow in the twilight

And finally, took one last picture from the end of the porch...where I took the first one.

Had I taken the normal walk, I'd've been mostly on tree-lined streets where I would barely get a glimpse of the sky now and then.

I'm so glad I followed the sunset.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day, they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.  - Ps. 19:1 - 3, NIV84

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