Wednesday, June 1, 2022

A Bit of Travel...

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

It's June 1st, y'all.  

Boggles the mind...

To be honest, I kinda feel like I lost May.  Got slammed with the ol' sinus infection the first week, and the second week the symptoms changed and...bang, it was Covid.  So another week working from home.  I got three days at work, and then My Sweet Babboo and I made the 3rd trip to Florida so far this year to deliver The Flute Players' kitty cat to her, being as how she and her hubby finally got settled enough into their new apartment to make it feasible.

I was really apprehensive about the trip; we weren't sure how well the kitty would tolerate it.

She complained for about 15 minutes, then seemed to accept the circumstances and settled down.  It probably helped that 1) we were able to borrow a kennel so there was room for her litter box, water and food bowls, 2) she got a dose of kitty Benadryl before we left and 3) the weather was cool and overcast, with periodic rain, for the entire 12+ hours we were on the road, so we didn't have to worry about the car heating while we stopped for potty breaks or meals.
She was much relieved to get out of the kennel once we reached our destination, though.  We pretty much dropped her off and hit the hay.  Since the kids had to work the next day, we drove up to Disney Springs...mostly because I wanted Earl of Sandwich, lol.  If I happen to have any readers from that part of the have my most sincere condolences on having to deal with Interstate 4 traffic on a regular basis.  Yeesh.  Then, we took the kids to dinner, play miniature golf and eat ice cream.  The  Jokester had a bad cold but a negative covid test so...bad cold...we went.  Like a doofus, I didn't get a photo of us together or anything, but I did get a pic of the pretty sunset whilst we were on the mini golf course.  Wonder of wonders...I actually won.  Crazy.
We had breakfast with the kids at Perkins Pancakes, then headed up to Jacksonville to see the Number Two son and do a little belated birthday celebration.   At least I took a picture.  And we got a message that night that The Flute Player had felt really bad later in the day so she took a Covid test and it was positive.  Oy. (They are both recovered at this point).  That mild variant is all OVER right now.
After church and lunch with Number 2 son the next day, My Sweet Babboo and I did something we've been wanting to do for quite a while...we headed up to Savannah, Georgia for a couple of days.
So much interesting stuff there.  We walked...and walked...and walked...
Gave ourselves one 'fancy diner'...we ate at The Pirates' House, which is a really cool ancient (at least by US standards) building.  The part we ate in dates from 1734  and is the oldest standing structure in the state of Georgia.  (I did finally look it up)  The she crab bisque was excellent.

We might go back to Savannah another time; there's a lot that we didn't do. I'd like to do some of the boat tours, and maybe catch more museums.  

I might have purchased a few too many pralines than is strictly good for me, but, hey, it was a rare opportunity, lol.

So, now we're back.  My kitty seems to be happy that her people are home.  My laptop refused to speak to any of the hotel wifi systems, so I have no idea what awaits me at work tomorrow.  I guess I'll find out... lol.

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