Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Beginnings - A Testimony of Provision

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

When My Sweet Babboo got his layoff notice, I immediately heard in my spirit, 'Now you will see what I will do.'  He wasn't the least bit worried...he truly believed it was all going to be ok.  Many folks told me they were praying for us, and assured us that it was all going to be ok.  I believed that myself...but I knew there were two ways it could be ok...either he would get a new job in a miraculous fashion and step right from one to the other, or we would see how God would provide one need at a time. And I didn't know which way it would be.

Well, he had some minor surgery around Thanksgiving, The Actor had his wisdom teeth removed and MSB did the  job of sitting with him, as he had medical leave to burn...but that all boiled down to the fact that he had time to polish up his resume' and cruise the web for opportunities.

And he found several local companies who were hiring...companies that employed one or two individuals he knew from work or the professional society.  He sent his resume' to several folks, and one of his former co-workers who is now working at one of those companies forwarded the resume' to a manager in the company who was looking for a senior engineer.

The next day, MSB got an email from that manager, saying he had the exact skill set the manager was looking for...with a link to the online application.  That particular job posting happened to close that very day, and they were on the brink of offering the job to another person. But they wanted to talk to my hubby.

He interviewed, and got the call from the HR department as we were driving to Indiana for Christmas.  They wanted him ASAP, so he was able to actually accelerate his layoff by about 10 days.  Monday last week was his final day with his former company...and today was his first day of employment with the new folks.

And he will get the severance package...six month's worth of salary...from the former company.

Did I mention his new salary is a couple of percentage points above his previous salary as well?

And...he's working on the same program, albeit a different aspect (one he will enjoy more, actually), that he was working on before?

And the new office is about half the commute from our house as the previous one?

Stepping from one to another.  Just like that.

I shouldn't be amazed.  But...I'm amazed.  God is good.


  1. So totally awesome! Even with faith, worry does tend to creep in. How nice that there's no room for that now! Congrats to your SB on the new position.

  2. Yes, He is.....all the time. I sometimes wonder when it will finally sink into my thick head that He really DOES have this and all I need to do is have faith. Congratulations to your industrious husband, who will be very successful in his new job, I'm sure.
