Monday, January 26, 2015

I am Not Witty Enough to Name this Post

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

I almost feel in over my head.

I have been putting out one fire after another since Christmas in my data base world at work; part of that included handling registration for our leadership conference a week and a half ago.

It was paradigm-shifting and I'm still processing THAT.

(The Saturday sessions have been uploaded to vimeo...session 1 is HERE, session 2 is HERE.  I confess I linked that mostly for my mother, but I have to say that, in all the Promise Keeper messages I've heard Wellington Boone speak, the messages he has brought to our church in the past, the messages I've heard him speak at his women's conference...nothing matches the burden he was speaking this weekend.  It was...well, you just have to watch the video.)


I'm also doing the Elijah House School of Prayer Ministry.   Two of six Saturday sessions are down; it involves reading, listening to CD's , doing homework...attending classes...  I've done similar classes in the past, albeit not at such an intensity.  Not sure how I feel about this one; I'm finding myself bristling over some of the terminology they use.  But I'm trying hard to  let that go by and get what is behind the word choice.

Plus I'm doing a class through work aimed at making me a better better with folks,  be more confident in the role I have, etc.   That's a stretch, too.

 I have been managing to sew a little...while I listed to the Elijah House CD's, lol...and I have given myself a post-DIVE assignment to write one song a month this year.

So... bottom line...I've got nothing leftover for blogging deep insightful posts at the moment.

Hang with me, though.  It'll all change with the spring. ;-)

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