Friday, May 24, 2024

Putting the Heart Study on Hiatus...

 Posted by Lisa Laree to  Beer Lahai Roi

It's been a busy month....

Just returned from a trip to Florida; My Sweet Babboo was teaching three sessions in a class at the Florida Royal Ranger camp, which just happens to be about 15 minutes from The Flute Player and her hubby; we had time share points to burn before the end of June and The Actor's birthday was just before Mother's we headed south for a week.  The classes were great, we got to do a belated birthday celebration for the Actor and worship with friends who are pastors of the church at which the kids are on staff (Berkely Chapel) and then we spent three nights at the resort that's next door to Animal Kingdom and crammed in all four parks before we headed north again.  We are tired and footsore but we had fun.

And, I'm telling you, scheduling a return from vactation on the start of a holiday weekend is PURE GOLD.

So that's why I missed last week's post, lol.  And the week before...well, I've been  spending my writing time working on a thing and I finally got a first draft done.  I've written up the curriculum I've been using for about 7 years to teach a very basic 'How to study the Bible' class.  I've already referenced most of the key info in the blog in past posts, but I had to get it organized into something like a workbook.

I have no idea what, if anything, I will do with it.  I've sent the 1st draft to a number of folks at church for their recommendations...we are revamping our discipleship programs somewhat and I'm not sure that my class will fit the new model but at least I have something put together.  If you clicked through the link, you'll know this is very, very basic...just to help folks get over the intimidation factor of Bible study.  I might just post the whole thing here, in installments... It's not that long.

But, having more or less finished least, until I get some feedback...I should be ready to dive back into my weekly study here. two weeks, I'm getting a new hip and EVERYTHING is going on hiatus for a bit.  So I've decided to make life easy on myself and I will resume the study once I'm off of narcotic pain killers, lol.  I may drop in with a couple of 'Here's something I've been pondering' posts before the surgery, but I do have a LOT of things I want to get done 'before the surgery', so I'll just see how things go.

I've had a few people tell me that, after I've healed up, I'll ' wonder why you waited so long to do this', but this is literally the first time I've had a big enough gap in the calendar to schedule it since the dr told me I needed it.  Even then, it's a squeeze; we've a family vacation coming up in September and it's going to be close whether I'm back to at least where I am now at that point.  The surgery is amazing; it's an outpatient proceedure that takes 45 minutes.  I'm told it's much easier than knee surgery...and, as I'm likely going to have to have the knee replaced too...I am really hoping the folks who are telling me I'll be up and going in no time are right.

Once I'm off the pain meds (which I hope to be Really Soon...I hate that stuff) I should be able to get back onto a fairly regular posting schedule again.

Just in case you were wondering, lol. 

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