Sunday, January 8, 2023

Reading More...Intentionally

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

2022 was going to be the year I really paid attention to the books I read; make notes, keep a notebook of reviews, and have witty and profound comments to make about them from time to time on the blog.

I did good in January, lol.  Read, noted and reviewed in a notebook 4 books.  Then I kinda got behind.  I made notes on two more books...undated in my journal...and certainly not in order.   The rest of the books I read (and I don't even know for sure how many) didn't make it into the journal.  It wasn't handy at the opportune moment and I just didn't keep up.

I read some profound books...and some books that were grinds to finish.  One book I read through, then turned right around and read it again, it was That Good (Stephen Roach's Naming the Animals, if you're curious).  At least one had me confused as to what really happened.  One blew me away with the world building and the creativity (Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline.  Yeah, I'm a little late to the party on that one...)

See, I used to be the girl that read All The Time.  Who finished the Reading textbook before Christmas (actually, probably before Halloween...) every year.  Who got into trouble for reading when there was Work To Be Done.  Who did the summer reading challenge at the local library in the first two weeks.  There were no AR points to be had when I was a kid, but I would have torn that up.  

I LOVED reading.

I still love reading...but I struggle with getting time to do it.  Hasn't stopped me from accumulating books, though.  I just have to be more...intentional...about actually reading them.

The notebook is a good idea, and I may go back and write up the rest of the books I read last year...that I can remember, anyway.

This year I decided to take pictures of books as I finish them.  At least that way I will have a visual record, if nothing else.

And maybe next January I can make witty and profound comments about the books I will read in the next twelve months...

What have you been reading?

1 comment:

  1. Reading through the Bible now with a group the follows The Bible Recap with Tara Leigh Cobble - our women’s group (Women who Stand) meets via Zoom each saturday 10am EST - great to share this way And keep on track
