Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Hodge-Podging....a Trip Down Memory Lane

Posted to Beer Lahai Roi by Lisa Laree

So many moments of reminiscing in the last few weeks; oddball moments have brought up unexpected flashbacks...

For an example, yesterday I opened up a box and found patterns and spread sheets from church sewing projects going all the way back to 2003.

 Then, this week,  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond takes us back to 2010 and the very first Hodgepodge.

Since I found myself in a rather reminiscent  frame of mind...I thought I'd just flashback along with everyone this week....

1. How did you name your blog and do you now wish you had thought about it maybe another five minutes before hitting publish? Would you change your blog title if it were not a huge pain in the derriere? 

I have two blogs...they were in my heart for a while before I actually started posting.  Because I was waiting for The Perfect Name, lol.   I actually wrote a blog post about it...but, suffice it to say I'm happy with the names for both of them. They fit.

2. What bill do you least like to pay? 

Um, is there ANYone who won't answer 'All of them'? LOL

3. What is your favorite word? Okay okay, calm down. How about one of your favorite words? 


4. Is the glass half full or half empty? Elaborate. 

Oh, half full.  As in, 'Dang it!  I can't believe I left that half full glass of milk on the counter!'

5. Were you here for that very first Hodgepodge post? If so, were your answers then similar to what they are today? Tell us what was happening in your life in November of 2010? 

I'm pretty sure I read the first one...or at least some of the first ones.  I only manage to play along once in a while. In November 2010  I was heading up the church photo directory project...the one that inspired me to develop the little mantra 'Thank you, Jesus, for this opportunity to crucify my flesh, grow in you, and develop the fruit of the Spirit in my life.' Eventually I learned to mean it when I said it...

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

It's good to look back now and then, eh?



  1. I enjoyed reading your post about how you got your blog name, and the rest of your answers too.

  2. I'm glad you found your way here for the flashback. The church directory-lol. Some projects are sanctifying that's for sure : )
