Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Wee bit of a Break

 Posted to Beer Lahai Roi by Lisa Laree

Back in the day...like, before I returned to the Work Force, when I somehow was managing to post most every day...or at least a couple of times a week...I used to take a Blogging Break for a week and stay off the internet.  But, work messed with my schedule and when the posting dropped it didn't seam to be so helpful.

But when I've tried to figure out what to do next...what I hear is 'Take a break'.  Not just a blogging break, but a break from social media altogether...or at least as much as is possible, given the fact that social media is also a prime communication channel for several groups/ people.  

I drug my feet because, well, my birthday was last weekend and I didn't want to be off of the 'net and miss all the good wishes that always come through.  But I think I've put it off as long as I can, so I'm going to go dark for the rest of the month..which is, incredibly, just a fuzz over 2 weeks. 

The first part of August is really busy; maybe by the last half of the month or so I'll have a plan for the next study. I do have a tentative list of things to do if I'm off of social media...including, but not limited to, sewing, reading, and reorganizing the house, lol.  And probably petting the kitty.

Meantime, if you haven't already, download the Chosen app and watch the two seasons that are out.  Seriously.  So I don't drop spoilers when I come back. :-D

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