Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hodgepoging Today for Fun

 Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

I was looking over the blog posts for the last however many weeks and, y'all, it's been AWFULLY serious over here.  Time to throw in something lighthearted.  And it just so happens to be HodgePodge Wednesday, so, without even looking at the questions, I'm dropping them in.  We'll see how it works out, lol.

If you're interested in reading other folks' answers, or you'd like to play along on your own blog, just click the link to Joyce's page...

1. It's Mickey Mouse's birthday (November 18)...happy birthday Mickey! He reads here, right? Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney superfan or something less than that? They're open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip?

Well, Happy Birthday to Mickey Mouse!  I've been to visit him three times in my life; once to Disneyland in October of  1979, pre-engagement, on a trip to visit then-boyfriend now-hubby. I was minute you're in Anaheim and then you walk through the gates and you're transported to elsewhere.  It really did seem magical...back in 1979.  Not sure it's still like that now. No pics, but somewhere I have some Minnie ears with my name embroidered on them.  The next time was March 1982; My Sweet Babboo and I drove down to central Florida to visit my grandmother.  Of course, we did a day trip to The Magic Kingdom, which was the only park open at that time (Epcot opened a few months later).  WDW was celebrating its 10th anniversary; we had a thunderstorm dump on us literally moments after walking through the gate and the temperature plummeted.  But we bought sweatshirts in a gift shop and carried on.  We even ate at King Stefan's Banquet hall...made reservations when we walked through the castle that morning. Can't do that now, lol.  It was one of the best meals I've ever had. Then last year...we spent a week with our kids doing all the parks.  Lemme just's changed a LOT.  If I could go back...I'd spend a day at Hollywood Studios.  Actually, I'd spend most of it at Galaxy's Edge; there's an 18 year old geek deep in a corner of me that was all gaga there.  I wouldn't say I am a superfan...but I do have a kid who's a Disney Travel Agent so there is a LOT of Disney in our lives, lol.  #thisistheway

2. Your favorite place to go when you want to be quiet as a church mouse? Would those who know you well describe you as more churchmouse or perhaps more like mighty mouse? 
My 'quiet as a churchmouse' time would be ideally spent with my Bible and journal...either at the table on my front porch or sitting at lunch time in the quiet sanctuary at church (I'm on the business office staff) with no one else around.  But life is not cooperating with me sitting either place right now so I've got to make do with other spots that just don't seem as exclusive.   And I'm probably a churchmouse...a clamourous church mouse, lol

3. The day before Mickey's birthday happens to be National Homemade Bread Day. Did/will you celebrate? Do you bake your own bread? Last time you had hot out-of-the-oven homemade bread? What's your favorite kind of bread? 
Ack!  I didn't have time to bake bread yesterday but I might've if I had known ...if I had yeast, which seems to be hard to find.  I have my grandmother's  recipe for 'Delicate Rolls', which I remember eating at every big family dinner growing up.  I don't quite have her knack, since I only make them once a year (turn 'em into crescent rolls wrapped around a mixture of butter, brown sugar and pecans and...a marshmallow; another one of her tricks) for New Year's Eve.  But I do love some just plain ol' homemade bread; the 'Rich Egg Bread' recipe in the Betty Crocker Cookbook is a good one.  But yeast is like toilet paper for some reason...very hard to find at times...

4. What's something you might say is 'the greatest thing since sliced bread'? 

Teabags, lol.  I have developed a taste for some artisinal tea but don't like the little bits that seep through a teaball.  You can get little filters and make it work, but I have a new appreciation for pre-bagged tea.  

5. Let's keep the gratitude theme we started last week rolling on through November. Share with us five little things you're grateful for today. Small blessings. One catch-they all must start with the letter T. Gotta keep us thinking, right? 

Time off; I had some use-or-lose vacation time that's giving me a nice break before Thanksgiving
Taste - there have been years (two in a row a while back) that I had a severe sinus infection at Thanksgiving and could not taste anything.  It was truly sad to cook the traditional dinner and not be able to taste any of it.  
Traditions -I am a sap for traditions.  Thanksgiving menu is the same every year; we decorate the house with old and loved ornaments and decor.  I don't do trendy trees.. ours are eclectic and mismatched and kitschy but I love setting them up for the memories they bring.
Tap water - especially hot tap water.  This is one thing that I continually give thanks for; so many folks in the world have to work for drinkable water and we just turn a knob.
Trees - so pretty this time of year.  I've taken lots of pics.  Here's one... love the contrast of the yellow against the blue sky.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
I really don't know what Thanksgiving is going to look like this year; we have some many variables and Covid is encroaching on our plans.  But even if it is substantially different from our traditional holiday we still have much to be thankful for.


  1. I love your five "t's" - great thoughts!!

  2. Yeast was hard to come by early on in the pandemic but I have a few packs here as I like to make my own pizza dough. Hopefully the hoarding doesn't pick back up. Have a great weekend! Yes there is still much to be grateful for. Perhaps we're more mindful of that this year too.
