Thursday, January 4, 2018

Purpose and Passion

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi
 (the sunset photo really doesn't have anything to do with the post; but sunsets in general are good for a reflective mood and it gives Facebook a nice photo to post instead of the CWO

I actually made it to the beginning of staff prayer today; many days I come in right at the end of the 'quiet personal prayer time'  and catch the corporate prayer and the exhortation from one of the pastors.

But today, I got there early enough that I could do my Jericho march around the sanctuary.  I like to walk and pray...number one, it keeps me alert and, number two, it keeps me warm, lol.

As I was walking and praying, there was one particular face that came to mind and I found myself praying that God would put a passion and purpose into that life...someone who's in need of a bit of direction and motivation to get out of a rut.

When enough folks had arrived that the aisles were beginning to be congested (many other staffers like to walk and pray as well), I sat down, and the following thoughts just ran out of my pen onto my notepad (slightly edited for clarity and coherence, I'll admit...)....

Passion and purpose are essential for a satisfying human existence.

Folks who have neither move aimlessly through life, ineffective and invisible.

Folks who have purpose but no passion lose their sense of value, living under the drudgery of duty.

Folks who have passion but no purpose burn out on frivolity.

A God-given passion for a purpose will change the world...for someone.

But each of us have to CHOOSE to pursue the passion and purpose of God; it is tailored to fit each individual life and will go unclaimed if the person for whom it was fashioned...or, perhaps, who was fashioned for it...doesn't rise up and possess it.

Because the enemy will provide a counterfeit; passion can be twisted and purpose can be misdirected.  It needs an intentional choice to live in the passion and purpose of God.

And choice is never just a decision; choice is an action.

What am I doing today to choose to pursue the passion and purpose of God in and for my life? 

A good ponder for the start of a new year...

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