Friday, May 1, 2009

Time for a New Study

Several years ago, I taught one of the Bible study classes for the local Christian Women's Job Corps site. It was a 10 week program and I taught the book of James...sort of taking it a half a chapter a week. It was also the first study I did in a home Bible study I taught for three years through a program at church.

To be honest, I felt like I was probably too familiar with it to do the study again here; I wanted something to be fresh.

But in the last couple of weeks, phrases from that study have come back to me...usually along the lines of 'are you really doing this?' and I feel like it's time to revisit James. I'll use the same syllabus and basic outlines that I've used before, but, well, we'll see how it pans out as I get to it.

So...we'll start next week! Here's the syllabus:

The Epistle of James

May 8: James 1:1 Intro to the Epistle of James

May 15: James 1:2 – 18 Make Quality Decisions

May 22: James 1:19 – 27 Make Real Changes

May 29: James 2:1-13 Live the Law of Freedom

June 5: James 2:14 – 26 Demonstrate Real Faith

June 12: James 3:1-12 Discipline Your Tongue

June 19: James 3:13-18 Exercise True Wisdom

June 26: James 4:1-10 Check Your Sources

July 3: James 4:11- 5:6 Lose Selfish Desires

July 10: James 5:7 – 20 Apply The Principles of Patience

Wow...that runs right up to my birthday and the next regularly scheduled blogging break! Um, I'll leave the syllabus like that for the moment, since we have no idea when or if we'll be doing any travel this summer. If we end up doing a vacation in June, I'll just adjust the syllabus as necessary.

It's a good study...I'm looking forward to getting into it again!

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