Monday, May 18, 2009

Jubilee Monday #37 Lovin' Spontaneity

I'm a sanguine...I live in spontaneous.

But somehow it's gotten kinda buried under the gotta-get-dones.

So tonight, even though I had some chicken I could've cooked up, My Sweet Baboo and I took a night out. The Princess was in charge of dinner (I think she warmed up leftovers?), and we grabbed one of the giftcards we had courtesy of our Disc*ver Cash back bonus and had dinner at Outback.

Y'know, we couldn't even remember the last time we went out for dinner, just the two of us.

I'd say it was long past due.

If I could have one Jubilee wish, it would be for a long weekend off, just the two of us, someplace peaceful.

But I'll take dinner out...whenever we can manage...

1 comment:

  1. How sweet. My hubby and I have date night every other Friday. We co op our kids with my BFF from church. It's good to reconnect when you can. I'm so glad you had the chance and enjoyed it.
