Sunday, January 18, 2009

Limited Access Week

For anyone who hasn't been hanging around here long, I gotta 'fess up to something:

Um, housekeeping is not my long suit.

Every once in a while, I need to clamp down on myself so I can do some catch up; I finally decided the easiest way to to do that would be just to give myself an 'at home, off the 'net week' once every three months, in which I would do my best not to schedule any outside-the-house obligations and stay off the internet for anything other than email and checking the weather. ;)

I picked the third weeks of January, April, July and October for my 'at home' weeks and just put it on the calendar.

I didn't do so good this time; I've scheduled my second 'fasting' Bible Study for Tuesday, and I have two chiropractor appointments this week, plus I agreed to help with the mammoth task of stuffing yearly contribution records into envelopes at church. So I'm already at only about half time for this week.

But I've got some things that are *seriously* behind and I do really, really need to focus on some catch up, so, except for Tuesday's post I'm outta here for a week.

Catch ya on the flip-flop (yeah, once upon a time, I had a CB radio...) Y'all have a blessed week!

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