Monday, January 26, 2009

Jubilee Monday #23 Trusting...again

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

The very first application I wrote about regarding a Jubilee year is that, in Jubilee, God is absolutely trusted for provision. There is no active cultivation of fields, no collecting of harvest for days ahead. The folks were expected to live day-to-day on what God provided.

And, yes, God is taking me through that in more ways than one. But I'm determined to get the lesson from my head (of course I know it) through my heart (where I believe it...Lord, help my unbelief!) into my spirit (where I want it to be the rock-solid foundation for life): God can be trusted. Period.

Of course it's scary to look and not know what's coming...but at the same time, it's kind of exciting to expect to see God do something unexpected at the most critical moment.

He's done it before, He'll do it again. It's His modus operendi (the spellchecker doesn't like that...I hope it's spelled right. I need to find a Latin spellchecker! ;))

Maybe we all have to walk through the time of desperately relying on His provision, so when we enter a time of plenty we know it's really not ours?

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