Monday, January 5, 2009

Jubilee Monday #21 - Forgive us our Debts

A new year sort of gets everyone in the jubilee spirit, I think. Everyone is thinking about fresh starts and new beginnings, which is really what jubilee is about.

I wish the new year started off with all debts canceled...or even that we could cancel debts every 50 years. Especially after the holidays.

But, this being the year 2009, that ain't gonna happen. Yet...

Aren't there debts that I need to cancel? Things I feel I'm 'owed' in one way, shape or form? I might not be able to talk VISA into canceling our debt, or the mortgage company into considering our loan paid in full, but I can release folks that 'owe' me something...whether it be an apology, money, recognition, restitution...doesn't matter.

In the year of Jubilee, forgiving debts is not optional. It's mandated.

But it is a fresh start.

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