Thursday, May 29, 2008

We're Not Invisible...

God Sees.

It's ironic that I have to be reminded of that even when I'm blogging at a site called 'Beer Lahai Roi'...but I'm full of insecurities and fears and I do need to be reminded.

So what has God done this week? Reminded me.

I got an email a few days back from a friend saying that I had been on her heart for quite a while and she'd been praying for me. Now, this isn't a *close* friend; we don't go shopping or do lunch, but we do usually chat a moment when we run into each other at church. That God would put me on her heart astonished me. That she'd prayed for me for two-three months without telling me undid me.

Then, Tuesday night I got another email from her. She said she felt like God had told her something for was

Sometimes we already have what we have been asking God for and we just don’t recognize it as His gift. As the very thing that we have been asking for all along

My jaw dropped...isn't that what I asked myself after seeing in the study that very day that Naomi counted herself empty even though God's blessing was right beside her?

Then, this morning I finally did Day 84 of John Bevere's study Drawing Near (I won't tell you how many days it actually took me to get to Day 84. Suffice it to say it was a LOT more than 84...). Part of today's assignment was to look back over the journaling from the previous, um, '12 weeks' and make note of particular revelations. So I flipped back through the entries and I caught a quote taken from the journal/workbook...the first week, day 6:

Having planted you in good soil, He provides the rain and sunlight. All you need to do is to grow and flourish and bear much fruit. Your job is to keep growing toward the sun.

At the time, I made a note of how similar this is to a statement from my Apple Tree parable:

The farmer smiled and gently patted the little tree. “I have planted you where you will get good sunlight, refreshing rain and good nutrients from the soil. Lift your leaves to the sunlight and put your roots deep into the soil. When you do these things, you will grow and mature...and, when you have matured, you will bear much good fruit.” Then the farmer dug around the tree and put fertilizer into the soil. Just before he left, he smiled again at the little tree. “I will give you everything you need to bear fruit. Just trust me and all will be well.”

Coming across that again today, it struck me that God has already given me anything I need.

Duh. Sometimes I have to run into the wall before I see it. "Oh, look, a wall!"

D'you suppose God is trying to tell me all the stuff I'm ...ok, I'll be honest...worried about is already taken care of? That He really does see me?

It's time that revelation made it from my intellect into the fiber of who I am.

I am seen.

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