Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hodge Podging again...

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

This may be a regular Wednesday long as I have time.  The  next round of Rock College classes kick into online streaming next week, so we'll see how the free time goes.  But, meantime, here's Episode 2 of the current Hodgepodge season.  Click the image below to travel to 'From this side of the pond' to see all the responses....

1. Has spring sprung in your part of the world? How can you tell? Did March come in like a lion where you live? Going out like a lamb or something more ferocious?
Spring usually arrives mid-March in North Alabama, and this year is no different.   Hoping for no serious cold snaps now to damage the  blossoms...or this year's peach crop.  Love me some fresh peaches...  We've had a bit of rough weather around here but it dodged our house; so it hasn't been a terribly lion-ish exit.  At least, not meteorologically...

2. The last thing that caused you to spring to your feet?
I honestly can't think of something that made me jump up and run.  Probably it was the teakettle whistling that made me hasten to pour it over the teabag and quiet the screech; there are folks in the household who just don't tolerate that noise very well.

3. Do you have a spring clean to-do list? What's one chore on the list you've already managed to accomplish? What spring clean chore do you most dread?
*Hangs head*  Ok. Full transparency.  I am a terrible housekeeper.  I'm still working on the spring cleaning from 2010.  I will get caught up...some day...

4. Tell us something you've learned about yourself or the wider world as a result of social distancing/the virus crisis.
In 2011, we had terrible tornadoes that destroyed hundreds of homes in our area.  About 30 people in our county died; I think it was over 200 in the state.  But all I had out of it was a week off of work, with no electricity, so working was not even a possibility.  My kids piled in a car and drove to visit their out of state grandparents. My Sweet Babboo and I had the whole week to ourselves; the car with gas in it was stuck inside the garage; the one we could drive had very little gas and, as there was no power, there was none to be had.  So we really couldn't even join the cleanup efforts.  I was on the tail end of a bout of mononucleosis, and the rest I had that week was enough to finally kick it to the curb; I felt normal again when life got back to normal.  And I felt...guilty.  Kind of ashamed, actually, that we had such a nice break while everyone else worked so hard to clean up, and so many lost family members.  I almost have the same sensation now.  My hubby and I have jobs that let us work from home without loss of income;  I am not looking for things to do (the spring cleaning that I thought I could catch up on isn't happening...yet...).  We don't have to go out often.  But so many are working so hard, and going through such extreme measures to try and be safe and keep their families safe.  I don't feel like I'm doing my part.  But,  my hubby does have a compromised immune system so ...I have to stay home.  And I have to learn to be ok with that.  I can sew some, yeah, that's what I'm doing, here and there.  Sewing masks.  It's not much of a help, but it's...something.

5. Something you love that's the color pink?
Strawberry ice cream!

6. Insert your own random thought here.
Easter is in 11 days.  Hard to believe; the year is so odd.  But what a good thing to celebrate in the midst of the crisis...hope and resurrection.


  1. I work from home as well and now people appreciate that it takes as much effort to work from home as it does going to work.

  2. In some ways, it's almost harder; more distractions at home (the cat just jumped on my lap and wants her ears rubbed even as I typed, lol)
