So, about a year and a half ago, I stepped back into the teaching role...a kind of prototype class for folks who wanted to start at square one and learn some simple approaches to personal Bible study.
I had a small handful of folks sign up, but the ones that managed to make it to most of the classes seemed to get something out of it. In fact, there are a couple of them that have been asking me to teach it again. I'm geared up to teach a full semester (10 week session) class when we launch our next Life Group session. We're going to do something akin to Sunday School...on Wednesday nights. Our building is a repurposed High School, so we have an abundance of classrooms. Last I heard, we'll offer 22 different classes for adults, in addition to our usual Wednesday night classes for kids and teens.
I'm looking at my syllabus, wondering if it really will pull its weight for the whole session. Wondering if I can get back into the teaching groove again.
Trusting that if this is really what I'm supposed to be doing, it will work in spite of my wondering. And, if it's not what I'm supposed to be doing, I guess I'll find that out pretty quickly, lol.
The core of one of the methods I'll be sharing...
Because I'm likely to have repeat attendees, I'm going to change it up just a wee bit. We used the book of Ephesians for most of our practice studying last time; this time, I'm going to go with Galatians.
We have some introductory stuff happening over the next 3 weeks, because this is a major paradigm shift for our Wednesday night meetings, but we'll be diving into the classwork Feb. 13th.
So I have a little more time to polish the syllabus. :-)