Monday, May 14, 2018

A little speculation....

posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi
The picture, from a recent ladies' retreat, hints of things at a distance, things that can only be glimpsed....not really seen....

Sometime recently I stumbled across a little discussion of heaven...eternity.  What will folks do?  Folks who all know boredom...or at least, knew it on this side.  If we all know as we are known, will there be a need for apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors or teachers?  What will we do?

Such speculation is as crazy as a six year old trying to imagine living life as an adult, I know, but I had a little hint of something as I was pondering that.

I think all of us have moments when 'If I could do anything at all...' wanders through our minds.  If money wasn't an object, what would you do?  If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?  If you weren't afraid of anything, what would you do?

Some folks might get a solid picture of something.  I don't.  What I get is a door with a dazzling light seeping through the cracks and gaps.  Something big.  Something shining.  Something free.  Free of fear, free of judgement, free of fetters. Something that is so much more me than I even recognize; something that demands the aspects of myself that I have clamped down and boxed up as unacceptable.  Something that soars.

And, the other day when I found myself confronted with the 'What will we do in heaven' question, I had a glimpse of the 'what would I do if.....' door.  And it clicked.

 What if that thing that is so bright it hurts my eyes, so big I can't get my head around it, so much me that who I am now looks like a cheap imitation, is exactly what I was created to do, the expression I was meant to have,  the yoke that was made specially for me...and is the eternal assignment?  Not a JOB I will do, but the purest expression of my identity in Christ?

No, I can't describe it, because it's probably out of my experience and vocabulary.  But I believe it's there. Seen through a glass, darkly, maybe, but there.

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.  But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.  -1 John 3:2

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