Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Love Summer!

Fresh fruit abounds. I snagged these beauties at a local produce market; they came from an orchard just this side of the Tennessee state line. I *could've* driven up there and probably gotten them cheaper, but I was happy to be able to swing by and pick these up whilst The Actor was at his drum lesson (drum instructor says,'Dude, you need a drum set...what practice pad did your folks get you?' I may be paraphrasing a bit...but we *did* get him an inferior practice pad, apparently. The guy at the store said there was no difference in 'em, so I got the cheap one. Sigh. Spoke to instructor later. Son was not quite giving us all context. All is well).

I don't know how I'm thinking we will eat all of these; I may need to freeze a couple of bags of peaches early next week. in-laws will be arriving for the weekend tomorrow, and Dear Father In Law really likes peach pie, so I expect I'll use a few.

These are still quite firm, although they taste really good. They'll be dead perfect once they soften just a bit.


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