Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've gotten lazy

*hangs head*

What has happened to my little faith blog?

One post a week ain't cuttin' it.

I went back and re-read some of my earlier posts; some of them surprise me now. Wow, I think, That was good

I don't know if I've hit middle-age mind fog, or if I've just hit such a commitment load that I can't even take time to do some self- examination and rumination anymore.

Either way, it's sad.

And I just realized I typed 'little faith blog' at the top.

Question: is it a little blog...or is it little faith?

As in, I've quit stretching to write? I've looked at the bloglines numbers and let myself get discouraged? Silly me. I should know better.


Time to shake things up a bit. I'm going to try to blog daily for a while.

And a part of me actually cringed when I wrote that. So that must mean I need it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm. Blogging daily. Could be a prayer. Could be a scripture and maybe followed by a thought it provoked. Could be a poem or song (psalm!?!) of praise that you have written. Kind of like a blog comment. Sometimes short and sweet. Sometimes long and involved. But always with an eye to sharing and to growth and to glorifying God for all we are worth.

    For we do not know who we reach and who sees and hears when we serve the Lord. We can only hope and continue on our journey with Him that we are serving Him with all of our might, mind, soul and strength.

    I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Just know that this "little faith blog" is continually a source of nurturing and thought stimulation for me. Thank you.
