Monday, February 23, 2009

Jubilee Monday #27: Until I Learn the Lesson...

That's how many times I will keep making public apologies for letting my mouth get ahead of my brain...and out of sync with the Holy Spirit.

I confess, there are times when I just want to crawl into my shell and stay there. Not because other people are unreasonable, but because I seem to have a bull-in-the-china shop ability to smash things I'm not looking at without realizing it until later...or until someone points out the damage.

Over and over and over again. I soooo identify with Paul's lament, 'Who will rescue me from this body of death???'

And I echo his relief... 'Thanks be to God!'

So I'm visiting Jubilee and the forgiveness therein once again...not only needing the forgiveness of the people I seemed to disrespect, but also the forgiveness of myself...for being such a bone head. Again.

Until I learn the lessons 1) that what I perceive that causes frustration may not be the whole story; and 2) not EVER to let frustration provoke a response, and certainly not in front of innocent bystanders.

Sigh. If I can finally learn those lessons in the Jubilee year, I will have Learned Something.

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