Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday Morning

Several years ago, I taught a Bible study for a faith-based program that mentors economically disadvantaged women. The program works to help them get their GED, learn working skills and improve their wage-earning capability as well as giving them a life mentor to work with them for one year after completing the 12-week course. It's an incredible program...lives are changed. (And why am I reading so many opinions that the conservative evangelic church is not doing anything to help underpriviledged folks? Do the people with those opinions honestly think there is nothing being done?)

But, in teaching a lesson on God's authority, I happened to mention the election of 2000. One young lady in the class bristled immediately, "That election was STOLEN!!" She got very angry, then put her head down on the table for the rest of the class.

After that, she either skipped Bible study or put her coat over her head while I taught.

I felt like I'd stepped into a hole that I didn't know was there. It jarred me; my offhand assumption that anyone who followed Jesus would hold the same opinion I did was thoroughly overthrown that day.

Or so I thought.

Now, I'm finding myself with my foot in that same hole. I'm reading opinions of others... news writers as well as bloggers whose writing and/or creativity has inspired me, some with whom I have corresponded and consider friends...that toss convictions of my heart around as frivolous, self-centered, short sighted, ignorant, legalistic religious extremism.

I wish I could say I was mature enough not to let it bother me, but I can't. I'm not there yet. It hurts.

God's authority is as much in place today as it was in 2000. God has a purpose. I trust Him.

But I've got much praying to do...not just for my country, but for myself. That I will be one who responds correctly. I want to never again cause someone to put their head down and refuse to hear the Word.


  1. My faith is not in man, but in God and He has never, nor will He EVER leave His throne. On this I am certain! I believe that this is a perfect time for us to show the world that the King God sent us is sufficient in all things! AND WE MUST PRAY for our president, our leaders and the citizens of our country!
    It mostly makes me sad. (shakes head) AND, we do need to think about what we are saying, making sure that it lines up with the Word and not the world. Thank you for pointing that out. A good reminder for me to watch my tongue. I'm sure glad I'm not in control and God is!
    Thanks for your honesty!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Kathy! I'm glad you stopped by!
