Friday, October 17, 2008

Flashback Friday #18: Seed Dies

I didn't pull out any old journals today; I just thumbed back in the one I'm currently writing in (and this will show you how erratic my journal-writing really is; this entry is two years old but it is from the current volume!). It's dated October 29,2006, and is about a revelation that hit when I was working behind the scenes at church...instead of being in the service with a special guest speaker, listening and being blessed. I'll admit I had just a little pouty attitude about it, but this changed my viewpoint:

I saw something about seed in it -- about sowing grain that would otherwise nourish and feed me. The difference may not be great, but I saw a new aspect of sowing - of deliberately placing food into the ground, rendering it unusable for nourishment. All the folks who work so tirelessly during service -- the nursery workers, the Missionette and Ranger leaders, the Children's Church workers -- they all choose to sow that which feeds them in order to see a harvest.

If you eat your seed, you'll never see a harvest. But, if you sow your lunch -- hm, maybe you'll feed 5,000?

A Postscript: Tonight is the Mpact Girls' Annual Sleepover; I'm on the 'stay awake all night and monitor things' crew, so I'm not likely to be in any shape to post anything tomorrow! And next Monday is the beginning of my 'Regularly Scheduled Quarterly Stay Home and Off of The Internet Catch Up Week' So, unless I just feel an extraordinary unction to post something over the weekend, I'll see you on the 27th!


  1. You seriously go a week out of every 3 months without Internet? Cannot fathom it- may have to challenge myself! Do you do email? I'm so curious...!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. You had some great thoughts about spiritual gifts. Thanks!

  2. week out of every three months. (Today was 'skim the bloglines day'...I had something like 183 entries to read, so I went through them pretty quickly). I still do email, and I check the weather...I just don't spend time on blogs or message boards or window-shopping around.

    Amazing how much I can get done in a week if I don't hang out on the internet for a couple of hours a day!
