Monday, November 17, 2014

True Confession Time

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Nothing like getting called out by a reader.

True Confession time:  I was up at 4:15 because sirens were going off near my younger daughter's apartment and she wanted to know where the tornado warning was.  No sirens were sounding on our end of town...yet, anyway, which surprised me.  I knew we were to have some rumbly rain ahead of a cold front, but I had heard nothing of  any possibility of bad storms.  Still, this is North Alabama, so I got up and turned on the severe storm coverage in process.  I turned on the computer and checked all the radars...nothing.  We decided it must be a malfunction and headed back to bed.

It was 5 AM by that time, about 45 minutes before my alarm was going to go off.  I thought about just staying up...but I was tired.  I knew I wouldn't get good sleep...but a 40ish minute nap sounded like it would be a good idea.

I went back to bed...and when the alarm went off, I subconsciously hit 'snooze'...more than once.

When I got up, I shaved my 'to do' list down, got myself dressed and then got on Facebook to see if anyone had answered the query I'd posted about the bogus sirens when I was up earlier.  No one had, and, well, I thought I'd check and see if I had comments in the moderation page.

Amy had logged on about 6 AM, asking me if I'd gotten up and had  my time with God.


I didn't even publish her comment.

I turned the computer off, picked up my journal and Bible and spent some time with Him before The Actor came downstairs and we had to head to work.

Thanks, Amy... I needed that. ;-)

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