Friday, March 5, 2010

Blogging Bible Study: Philippians Lesson 4

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Philippians 2:17 - 30 Commendations of Coworkers.

After the powerful teaching in the first part of the chapter, Paul takes a bit of an interlude to make some personal observations and discuss his plans. Sort of a breather before he jumps into heavy stuff again in the next chapter.

But this passage is precious, because it shows Paul's relationships...and the examples the young men who were with him were setting for those who paid attention.

Actually, I goofed in the syllabus; the first two verses of today's passage fit more logically with last week's discussion...but I didn't catch that as I skimmed through to divide things up. So I'll mention it and then move on to the topic of the day...faithfulness.

I should've noticed that verse 17 starts with the word 'But', which means it needs to be connected to the previous thought so the contrast could be seen. But I missed it. Anyway.

In the previous verses, Paul had just exhorted the Philippians to maintain a shining testimony, so that he could show that his labor was not for nothing. BUT, he adds in verse 17, even if his life is winding to its end (my take on 'being poured out like a drink offering), he's rejoicing, because of the sacrifice and service the Philippians are exhibiting to him; so he expects them to be glad and rejoice with him...whatever happens (1:27).

Now, on to verses 19 - 29.

Paul's first subject is Timothy. Timothy has been with Paul in Rome for a while now, writing the letters that Paul dictates, running errands...just making Paul's life as a prisoner in Rome more tolerable.

But Paul is anxious for news from his friends in Philippi, so he is planning to send Timothy to them 'as soon as I see how things go with me.' (v.23)

Timothy, Paul says, is unique in his genuine interest in the Philippians. The Philippians know Timothy, and know how he has served Paul as a son would serve his father. Since sending Timothy is the next best thing to Paul going to Philippi himself,Paul is going to watch for a chance to send Timothy over, even though he does hope to go himself in the near future. Timothy has proven himself, not only to Paul, but to the church at Philippi. Timothy is such a trusted, faithful envoy that such a trip would not only bless Paul, when he brings back news, but it would also bless the Philippians, as being a symbol of Paul's concern for them and interest in them.

The second young man, Epaprhoditus, is to be sent back immediately (likely carrying the epistle back with him). Epaprhoditus had apparently just recovered from a serious illness -- in Paul's words, he nearly died -- and, even though he's better, word has reached them that the Philippians had heard of his illness and were quite concerned.

No Skyping in those days...the only way the folks at Philippi could truly be assured as to Epaphroditus's health would be for him to go to them himself. Now that he'd recovered, Epaphroditus had evidently been assisting Timothy in caring for Paul's needs (v. 25), helping Paul on behalf of the Philippians (v. 30). But he'd been sick, he missed his people, and they were worried about him. So Paul is sending him home...and taking the opportunity to send a letter with him.

On first glance, this seems to be just some personal chit-chat in the middle of the letter. We've heard the names, but we don't really *know* the people's not written to *us* why don't we just skim over it and get to the teaching in chapter three?

Because these men have something to teach us. They were both faithful to their assignments...even in times of personal difficulty. Paul's lament in verse 21 that 'everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ' did not apply to Timothy and Epaphroditus. These fellows not only served, they served well. They made personal sacrifices. They had no personal ambition.

And Paul thought very highly of both of them. God used both of them; Timothy went on to pastor churches.

And they began by being servants who did not consider their own interests.

Definitely a lesson for me.

A Note: I don't know if you've been following it or not, but Lysa TerKereust has been doing a little discussion of Philippians on the Proverbs 31 ministries blog (linked on the sidebar) this past week. Check it out if you haven't.

The Study so far:
Feb. 5 Intro
Feb. 12 Lesson 1 Phil. 1:1 - 11 Affectionate Greetings
Feb. 19 Lesson 2 Phil. 1:12 - 29 Testimony in a Time of Suffering
Feb. 26 Lesson 3 Phil. 2:1 - 16 Exhortation to Humility
March 5 Lesson 4 Phil. 2:17 - 30 Commendations of Coworkers
March 12 Lesson 5 Phil. 3: 1 - 16 Warnings Regarding Legalism
March 19 Lesson 6 Phil. 3:17 - 4:7 Instruction on Living as Citizens of Heaven
March 26 Lesson 7 Phil. 4:8 - 23 Gratitude for Concerned Support

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