Thursday, December 17, 2009

Watch and pray....

One of my sewing buddies wrote a post about one of her children doing well in a public venue, and having folks congratulate her on his performance (Mermaids). I read her post and thought it over and realized that it is far easier for parents to allow their children to own their successes than it is for us to allow them to own their failures. If my kid does really well on something, it's because he/she is a great kid, using the talents God has given him/her.

On the other hand, though, if one of my kids messes up, drops the ball, fails, it's all too easy to believe that it must be because I've done something wrong as a parent. Surely, if I'd've encouraged at the right times, disciplined in the right way, explained life a little better, modeled the right kind of discipline in my own life, this would not have happened! It must be my fault...

Granted, parents have a large input in both the failures and successes of their kids. But ultimately, as my sewing buddy pointed out, the decision to push through to excellence or to give up and let things slide is the child's own decision. There comes a point at which there is nothing more a parent can do but watch.

It's a tough assignment. But right now I'm watching...

Oh. And praying. ;)

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