Friday, December 18, 2009

Not a Kitty Toy

We've tried to teach Frisco that the Christmas Tree is not a Kitty Toy.

We purchased cat repellent and sprayed it on the tree skirt; um, that didn't work.

So, basically our strategy is to shut the doors and keep her away from the tree unless there are people handy to monitor her behavior and spray her with the water bottle if she gets too inquisitive.

However, The Artist was home with her today and went upstairs without securing the doors behind him.

Oh, doesn't she look innocent? But...the evidence is there, along with several saggy tree branches.

Why the delicate ornaments did not come out of the box this year...


  1. Oh, but how cute!!!! She's trying to get in the spirit of the holidays too. :) Of course, since I'm not the one having to fix her mess I think it's super cute! But I understand the frustration.

    Have a great Christmas.

  2. No, actually, she's trying to get into the tree...LOL...

  3. My older cat ignores the tree but we have a new kitten and she loves hiding under it. We put all soft or plastic ornaments near the bottom of the tree just in case! :)
