Thursday, October 9, 2008

Be E-Responsible...Please!!

I have declared my blogs 'politics free zones' -- that is, I'm not going to talk about my candidate of choice, nor will I speak against the other folks, but there is something in this political season that *really* bothers me.

Forwarded inflammatory emails.

I just deleted one from a person who holds a position I respect that rather confrontationaly addresses statements by one of the candidates, citing untruths therein.

The problem is, when I checked it out on Snopes, most of those 'corrections' turned out to be misinterpretations of a statement, or something taken out of context or only partly true. Some were blatantly wrong, using wrong information.

Oh, and in that same inbox I had *another* email asking me to sign and forward a petition against RM-2493, a variation on the old 'Stop Madalyn Murray O'Hair' petition that has been going around in some form since before the internet was even up and running.

I have gotten that one so many times I have that page bookmarked.

This really bothers me. As believers, we should be dealing in truth, not rumors or suspicions. Please, folks, check your facts before you pass them on.

Passing on stuff like this hurts the credibility of all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Love the name of your blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting today. And I hear you and agree about the emails. I get some kind of weird forward every single day.
