What a week.
Monday I got hit with some digestive upset -- could've been food poisoning -- that jerked not only the rug but the whole floor right out from under my feet. I'm just now beginning to be functional again.
Today The Artist had surgery to reconstruct his ACL. And the show costuming continues...(talkin' about that on the other blog).
So, have I had any time...or mental focus...to write any posts? Let alone thoughtful, intelligent posts that actually make stopping by BLH worthwhile.
So, I'm going to post a little meme. I actually got tagged w/this one over on Facebook, but I'm reposting it here, just so y'all can see that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
I'm supposed to tag more folks, but since I may only have my mother still hanging with me at this point, I'll just say that anyone who's in a bind for blog material is free to help themselves and leave a link. I promise I'll come read it...eventually ;)
The Threes of MeI go by:
1. Lisa
2. Mrs Lisa
3.Tigger or Tig (that's ancient history)
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Cone filler, shake maker/banana splitter at the Dairy Bar
2. Billing Clerk
3. Computer Systems Support Assistant
Three Favorite drinks:
1. Milk
2. Coke
3. Coffee w/lotsa cream and sugar ;)
Three favorite foods:
1.Fresh bread
2. Crab legs
3. Anything in Alfredo sauce
Three favorite hobbies:
1. Sewing
2. Reading
3. Wishing I had more time...
Three TV shows that I watch:
1. The TV just doesn't go on at our house....
Three Places I Have Been:
1. The Viet Nam Veterans Memorial
2.Yosemite National Park
3.The Kennedy Space Flight Center
People that e-mail/facebook me regularly:
1 People who have a new job for me, want me to meet singles, think I need Acai cleansing, are distressed because we aren't on the DISH Network....
2.My mother
3.Lands' End, Staples, JCPenny, Fabricdotcom, Flylady, Daytimer, Fashion Fabrics Club, Nancy Zieman....
Three of my favorite restaurants:
1. Mikado
2. Red Lobster
3.Macaroni Grill
Three friends I think will respond:
1. ?
Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. A multiple-days trip away with My Sweet Baboo...someday....
2. time to sew
3. a much -needed personal breakthrough
Three favorite movies:
1. Singin' in the Rain
2. The *original* Star Wars
3 The Muppet Christmas Carol
Three favorite places to go:
2. Textile Fabrics, during the Annual Big Sale
3. The Beach...
Three people who make you laugh:
1. The Actor
2. Chuck Jones
3. Jim Henson
Three favorite songs at the moment:
1.Bless the Lord (Son of Man) (Ty Trybett)
2.Tomorrow (not the one from
Annie! Lyrics: And tomorrow the sun will rise and the moon will shine and the stars will fill the sky/And tomorrow Your Majesty will fill my heart again/And tomorrow will have its share of troubles, but this one thing I know/That tomorrow will hold another chance to give You praise)
3.It is Well ... ;)
Three places you'd like to go:
1. any beach in the Gulf of Mexico....
2. Mackinac Island
3. NYC Garment district
Three wishes:
1.to be more self-disciplilned
2.to spend time w/my hubby
3. to slow things down and enjoy the moments more