Friday, May 6, 2016

Pondering a nudge...

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Spring 2006 - Huntsville Botanical Garden.  Representing change...

Welp, this is one of those days...well, been one of those weeks...and I can tell that I am simply NOT going to have time to dig into the dictionaries for my weekly Ps. 119 post.  So Heth will have to  wait for next week, I'm afraid.

But I happened to check my facebook memories for the day and found that I'd posted two quotes last year, both of which have kinda slapped me upside the head:

'You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.' -- John Maxwell

'What you don't confront won't change.' - John Bevere.

And, then there was also a reminder of the Choices unit I taught in Friends Club 2 years which I told the young ladies, 'Choice is not a decision.  Choice is an action.'

Y'all, I think that was a Holy Spirit nudge.

How many times have I decided, 'I'm going to get up early tomorrow and walk.  And I'm not eating any cookies/cakes/sugary snacky things,' only to hit the snooze button 4 times and feel I *have* to take advantage of the homebaked cookies someone put out in the conference room to share?

And that's just an example of ONE area of my life that needs some change...there are several...

But I don't want to bite of more than I can chew.  So for the next week, I'm making one change...I'm going to bed on time so I can get up on time.

One thing.  I just have to change one thing...and I have a feeling some of those others will fall into place.

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