Friday, April 8, 2011

Faithful Friday Faves: Ezekiel

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

In the vernacular of my youth, my first reaction to skimming through Ezekiel is, "Man, that's heavy!"

A wide range of passages caught my eye; from sure and swift coming judgment to promises of deliverance and restoration. Not to mention the special effects. I've always felt Ezekiel (and John, too, writing Revelation) had a huge challenge, since he was recording things that he saw that he had no language to describe.

...the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. -Ez. 1:1b

I talk about this sometimes in the classes that I teach teenagers. We are so limited by our three-dimensional existence that we tend to assume heaven...the throne of just another 3 dimensional place. Someplace.

But...God made the heavens and the earth. That pretty much covers the universe. The union of contiguous 3-dimensional space.

And God created it. From outside of it.

So it stands to reason that God is a being of more than three dimensions, and the space in which He dwells in His glory would be more than a three dimensional space.

So, imagine being given, for just a moment, the ability to see outside of our three dimensions. And then having the task of recording what you saw.

I've heard various secular explanations of the visions Ezekiel saw, ranging from alien spaceships to drug-induced hallucinations. But I, for one, believe he saw something real that surpasses human experience.

Someday, we'll all see what he saw, and then no doubt we'll find that, while the mental pictures his words constructed did not match the reality, his words were nonetheless accurate descriptions of his visions.

Or at least as accurate as a human being's vocabulary could manage.

Heavy, man.

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