Friday, November 12, 2010

Faitful Friday Faves: 2 Samuel

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Once again, I had a difficult time deciding which verse to choose. I think I just need to state it now: it's gonna be a hard choice each week.

This week's choice is pretty much because we just sang a song in choir that included a paraphrase of this verse:

'I will celebrate before the LORD. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.' - 2 Sam 6:21b - 22a

We have somehow turned worship into a list of appropriate behaviors and attitudes; David's wild dance of celebration would be way out of place in most houses of worship today.

I think we tend to forget Who our audience really is...not our fellow churchgoers, but the One who created us.

We all know the story of David's words with his wife Michal over her opinion of his uninhibited worship...but somehow, in reading this in the past, I missed the part where he said, 'I will be humiliated in my own eyes'.

It's one thing to disregard others' opinions about one's own behavior...but to choose to do something personally humiliating as worship is a whole 'nuther level.

I'm not gonna try to make judgments about what real worship is; I'm just going to let this verse raise a couple of questions:

How predictable is my worship? How can I get out of the rut and let my spirit really respond to the true awesomeness of God?

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