Saturday, November 14, 2009

Say What?

I guess I should be surprised I had a year and a half before it happened.

Someone left a totally irrelevant and extremely judgmental comment on one of my recent posts. If it had made any sense, I possibly might have answered it.

But I went back and reread the post...I couldn't see any connection at all between what the post said and what seemed to have offended the commenter...unless it was the quote from 'The Message' translation I included (I know some folks totally trip out over modern translations). But even that was a stretch. I just couldn't see what provoked that response.

So I deleted the comment.

I'd ask my fellow faith bloggers how they deal with such things, only I don't think any of my fellow faith bloggers drop by here. Honest questions and disagreements do not bother me; but stuff that seems accusatory and inflammatory without a cause smacks of a personal agenda. And one should not post one's personal agenda on another person's blog, IMHO.

So, to avoid further flame throwing, I'm going to enable comment moderation, at least for a while, just in case the commenter comes back soon looking for a fight. I'm not going there.

I apologize for the hassle; hopefully this was a random event and I can go back to business-as-usual soon...


  1. There are certain types of blogs that encourage nasty comments. I think sometimes people don't remember to adjust their behavior for the venue. They post the wrong kind of comment for the situation.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is don't take it personally. It might have had little to do with you. I read some blogs I love, but never read the comments because of the nasty things people say in comments. It's a type of response that's out there that some people don't know enough to refrain from.


  2. I'm not taking it personally; I actually feel kinda sorry for the person. The comment was so random that it was patently obvious that it had nothing whatever to do with what I'd written...showing that my posts had not been read enough for the comment to be taken seriously. It made the person who wrote it look rather sad.

    But I'd like this to be a friendly place, so I'm just going to have to be Firm with that kind of stuff and Not Allow It. ;)

    Thanks for the encouragement! ;)

  3. Well Lisa, it's seems to me that you have the right attitude concerning this. Praying for you!

    BTW, I know that I don't comment very much, but I do read your posts.

  4. Thanks, Amy! I know your life is busy right now! ;)
