Thursday, June 5, 2008

What's your seed?

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

Last night was the Honor Ceremony for five young ladies who have completed three years of Stars Club (grades 3 - 5) and completed a list of requirements for study, attendance, memorization and the like. There were five girls who were honored, and after their ceremony, Pastor Leisa (almost our entire pastoral staff is comprised of husband/wife teams; our senior pastors are Rusty and Leisa Nelson) addressed the girls. And in her message she mentioned seed, and talked about the things she used to play at as a young girl that have now become part of her call and ministry. She asked the girls not to lose sight of those things that stir them now; and she asked the rest of the congregation to remember what it was that *we* had loved as children...have we neglected those dreams?

So I sat down today and thought--really thought-- about what I did as a youngster. It was eye opening.

I wrote poems in 5th grade; some were published in our county paper.
In high school, I wrote plays that our youth group presented.
Every time my father turned on the home movie camera, I was in front of it, jumping around and/or dancing ... up until, oh, age 10?
I read and read and read.
I memorized scripture.
I excelled on the junior high youth group Bible quiz team.
I wanted to go to church *all* the time.
And, when reading Madeleine L'Engle's second Time Book (A Wind in the Door) I declared to myself that I wanted to be a Teacher.

So much of that is now reflected in what I do; I didn't realize it. Some things I had neglected until recently, and I didn't even know I was returning to the dreams of my youth. As Pastor Leisa pointed out, it's easy to write those things off as childish fancies when adult responsibilities start moving in; the challenge was to go back and see...what is really seed?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! What did I do as a child? I read all the time, loved to travel, and did needlework and crafts, took organ and violin lessons. And how has this translated to service as an adult? I became an English teacher and librarian in a Christian school, married an MK, have done short term and educational mission work, drama coach and costumer in school and occasionally in church, youth leader, and church organist. Much of this has been very unexpected, but God has allowed me to do the things I love best to serve Him. I try to encourage my youth group that God gives us these interests and gifts to develop and use for His glory.

    Tina W
