Friday, January 11, 2013

Preparing for the Fast - 2013

Posted by Lisa Laree to Beer Lahai Roi

As sure as New Years Day follows Christmas, a fast follows the turning of the calendar.  For my liturgical friends, that will likely be Lent.  But for non-denominational us, the fast always begins in January.  This year, we begin our corporate church fast on Jan 13...Sunday.  There are no set requirements for the fast; although a dietary fast is strongly encouraged, folks are instructed to make sure they will have no particular health issues that will preclude such a fast.  Fasting something other than food certainly has the potential to free up time for prayer.   Generally, we are encouraged to be in prayer and be sensitive to the Spirit in order to see what we are prompted to fast.

Some years, I have a very definite picture of what my fast is to look like.  This of this moment, anyway...I don't.  Or rather, what I'm hearing in my spirit is not anything like I've ever fasted before.

I found myself thinking about an old blog post in which I admitted longing for a little structure, and what I began to hear was that I needed to put some serious structure into my life.  How about fasting spontaneity?

To live 21 days with hyper-focused intention...strictly planned...perhaps even timed out.  Some folks live like that all the time; very defined schedules as a lifestyle. I can't imagine life like that.  For me, making a schedule is sort of like closing myself up in a box.  But an unscheduled life can be...well, let's be honest, right now it is...chaotic.

I spent a lot of time on last years' fast seeking changes that I need to make.  And there are a lot.  However, identifying the changes is only the first part; if they are not actually implemented then identifying them is just an exercise in personal guilt.

I need some personal discipline to see those changes happen.  Even if, just for the start, it is making a simple plan...which will include specified times of prayer... and sticking to it.

If I can do that for 21 days, I can make a daily plan a part of my life.  Not necessarily having every moment of every day planned out, but definitely part. 

I believe I will maintain the blog; certainly the 'step up the game' prompt I felt last fall indicates that the blog needs to be part of a plan.  I don't expect to have big revelations to share regarding the fast,'s just going to be about doing what I know I should be doing.  But I may have something to share from the prayer/study time that I will be focused on.  We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. I find myself praying on your behalf, and wishing you joy in your journey.
