Friday, August 14, 2009

The Next Study?

Our annual women's conference at church is fast approaching...we're 4 weeks away. Already (the date is Sept. 11 & 12).

The topic this year is spiritual warfare; specifically, I think, warfare that women must wage. The name of the conference is 'SHE Revolution -- The Battleground'.

I'm really excited because the speakers are all returning favorites -- Teri Gladstone-Furr, Dawn Sweigert, and Susan Dyer; Rita Springer will be leading worship. It is going to be awesome.

So, how do I prepare my heart for this? Because I know I'll be involved in assisting in some fashion and I will not be in all sessions just as a recipient/participant, I need to do some ground-breaking in my own heart before the event begins.

So, over the next two or three weeks, I'll be doing that...and just seeing what I have to do in my heart. It may take the shape of a small, short look at Spiritual Warfare, or it may not. I don't even know yet.

But I'll find out. ;)

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