Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Microwaved Drama

One of my personal favorite ministry things is doing dramas/skits/etc in order to provoke an audience to consider spiritual truths. But, for several reasons, our little drama troupe at church has been kinda dormant for a while.

This morning, however, we got to do a little skit. The drama team had a slight misunderstanding somewhere along the way and thought it was supposed to be presented next least we found our error on Wednesday instead of, say, this morning...

So we were scrambling to get something to work.

And, to add spice to the challenge, we had to get the point across in less than 5 minutes (preferably between 3 and 4 minutes). Since we now have three Sunday morning services, time constraints just don't allow anything longer.

The consensus on the skit, just looking at the script, was that it was too long. So it was trimmed a bit. We went into rehearsal with a script that I *thought*, upon reading it aloud at home, would come in at less than 5 minutes.

When we went through it with the blocking, it was NOT under five minutes. And it didn't seem to get the point across.

So, the three of us in the skit took a literary scalpel to it and began whacking some more. One husband arrived to pick up his actress wife, and we performed it for him, hoping for some objective thoughts. Did the point come across? Was it too wordy? Was it funny? He liked it, but said it needed a bit of punch at the end.

Inspired, our 'Angel' character came up with exactly the right line for that punch. Time on the final run through: three and a half minutes.

So, we were on this morning...three times. And, let me just say, God is very good! It was well received, and well complimented. Put together quickly, and quickly performed.

And it was fun.

It's an indescribable feeling to be part of a message. And, given the time constraints we had, it's pretty obvious that the success of it wasn't due to the people involved! Only God could put something like that together.

Which is why it's indescribable! ;)

1 comment:

  1. We, too, had a drama during worship this morning. No speaking though. Only pantamime...about Jesus performing miracles. You know the ones, where he made the lame to walk, the blind to see, and the dead to come back to life. Then "Jesus" came out to the congregation and touched a few of us. When the speaker asked us what we were looking for during this time, a consensus was that we each wanted "Jesus" to come and bring his healing touch to each one of us too! The young man really had put on the mantle of being Jesus for this drama this morning. We were seeing him not as himself but as Jesus!

    Yes, God is amazing and His workings are indescribable! What a wonderful testimony!
